Grade 13

For the past four years I have been a student striving for a goal - to earn my bachelor's degree. I had ideas of where I wanted to go post-graduation, but nothing really stuck out. I now have an opportunity to serve in a small community called Bánica in the Dominican Republic from August 2010 to December 2010. These next few months will be spent preparing myself to spend a semester abroad in a different country, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to serve in God's name.
I'm hoping to regularly post thoughts, prayers, experiences and random photos so that I can share with anyone and everyone. I ask prayers for me as I start on this journey that God has called me on, and I ask prayers for the community that I am going to serve, that it be touched by God's grace.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

25 days and counting...

It is my last week in Fredericksburg, and I have a long week at work still. And packing still. My mom is the greatest and came up to Fredericksburg last Saturday with a friend to take some of my stuff back for me. That was a real blessing, especially since I knew I wouldn't be able to fit all my junk in my car when I moved home. It is amazing what one can accumulate over the course of a year (and a summer). I am getting much closer to my goal. Since my last fundraising update, I know of others who have sent checks in my name, which I am extremely grateful for...this trip would not be possible without the support I have gotten from everyone! I am all vaccinated and slowly chipping away at my spanish grammar book. I've started lists of things I need to bring down there and have (the hard part) started saying goodbyes to people in Fredericksburg (albiet temporary ones...I plan on coming back!) Amidst all the crazy preparations, I have tried my hardest to keep in mind why I am going on this trip. It is so easy to get caught up in the details sometimes, as two summers with Youthworks! has taught me and it is extremely important to remember who it is I am serving and to simply love. My purpose for this trip is to love on God's people, to show them that God is real through my example. I pray that I will use the gifts that God has given me for His glory. I ask your prayers as well, for safe travels for all the missionaries and for the community of Banica which we are going to serve. My leave date is August 20th...I am counting down the days until I can get started with the next adventure of my life! Blessings to all! You are in my prayers

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Halfway there!!

So it is July 8, and I just received an update from the Society telling me how much I have fundraised ... I am halfway there!! When I received the email, it brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful for everyone that has supported me so far, whether it be monetarily or emotionally or with prayers and encouragement. I am so blessed to have such great family and friends! Other exciting news - I purchased my (one-way) ticket to the Dominican Republic yesterday (don't worry, I'll come back...eventually!) and I am going to be traveling with Father O'Hare down there, which I am grateful for. I am not a big fan of traveling alone and especially to a country where I've never been and don't yet have a total grasp of the language. I feel now that I am really committed into going and am continually growing more excited as each new milestone is reached. I can tell God's hand is in this endeavor of mine, because I just found out that travel immunizations are covered in my insurance, and when I called the Fredericksburg Health department, they were booked through the end of the month but had a last-minute cancellation for tomorrow morning for me to go get my shots...God is good! (Especially in providing procrastinating people with options to still fulfill their goals). Just a quick update for today, but more coming soon as I continue to prepare for my trip. Thank you all for your support! God bless!!