So, I've made mention of some people here, and I figured you probably don't really know who I'm talking about.
All the way on the left you'll find Sarah, who hails from Boston. She's the one who loves going to the river and limonsillos and invented putting yogurt with chopped guineo (similar to bananas) in the freezer. Makes a perfect afternoon treat on a hot day.
Next to her you'll find Luisa, who hails from Blas Martinez, a campo outside of Higüerito. She's the resident "teacher" of our missionary team and will even correct Father Murphy when his Spanish is less than impeccable. Her favorite phrase is to say "QUEEEEEEE?!?!?!?" and most especially during a game of cards. Always smiling, she will find a way, mostly through handing you a pretty flower, to brighten your day.
Then there's me. But y'all already know me, so skipping ahead to China. She is from Venezuela and she's a Consecrated Virgin = awesome. :) As Father calls her, an undercover nun. She's got a ton of experience working with kids and teens and her love for Christ is evident in all she does.
Finally, there's Isamar. She is in el liceo (high school) in Bánica and comes with us on Sundays to be a part of our missionary team. She's really smart and fun to be around.

This picture is of the official missionary team of 2010-2011.
First is Ory, who is going to start school in January, and she's going to study idiomas (languages). She works in the brand-new library.
Next is Kuky, who is going to study contrabilidad. Basically math.
Then there's me.
Then Luisa, who is going to study to be a teacher.
We then have Sarah, then China, whom you've already been introduced to.
Kuky and I have this dance step that she taught me and now we're working on adding to it.
Ory and I are roommates every week for a night, and we always have fun getting up super early to meet everyone else for morning prayer at the church.
Luisa already practices her teacher skills by helping Sarah and I learn more Spanish (or correcting us when were wrong).
This picture is of the night Luisa, Kuky and Ory registered for college. A HUGE deal for them, because this is still an opportunity that is not available to everyone down here, and especially girls. China, Sarah and I had a little celebration for them to congratulate them on this next, big step in their lives.

We can't forget the priest on the team. This is Father O'Hare. He really loves this entire community, and he works tirelessly to provide for his parish. And he's never too busy to provide 'una bola' or a ride, to anyone who asks...as you can see in this picture. :)
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