Grade 13

For the past four years I have been a student striving for a goal - to earn my bachelor's degree. I had ideas of where I wanted to go post-graduation, but nothing really stuck out. I now have an opportunity to serve in a small community called Bánica in the Dominican Republic from August 2010 to December 2010. These next few months will be spent preparing myself to spend a semester abroad in a different country, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to serve in God's name.
I'm hoping to regularly post thoughts, prayers, experiences and random photos so that I can share with anyone and everyone. I ask prayers for me as I start on this journey that God has called me on, and I ask prayers for the community that I am going to serve, that it be touched by God's grace.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I am thankful for...

Thanksgiving, Banica-style. ...people. I am thankful that no matter how far away from home people might be, or if you are in a new place, you can still share in common humanity and love with others. We were blessed in that we were able to host some visitors yesterday, Father Mike and Cal from Elias Piña, and Emily, Fidel and Brian from Thomassique, Haiti. We were also fortunate to be able to have an "Americanized" meal, lots of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green beans, sweet potato casserole, and tator tots. For desserts, made-from-scratch apple pie, chocolate cake and cheesecake. Being here in Bánica has really shown me that too many people in this world go hungry, and while it is not wrong to have a feast, especially as a reflection of the heavenly feast everyone will be able to share one day, we, especially need to keep in mind where we are. I am grateful that we were able to partake in this feast, and I pray that it will nourish us and give us the strength we need to continue serving this beautiful community of people. Saint Nicholas, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful there are people like you out there helping to share God's love!
    Kinda wish I'd have learned that earlier in my own life...
    I will be back to check out your site!
    Thank you for being you!
